Melbourne, March 24, 2022:
Law Image is pleased to announce that we are now a proud supporter of a Sydney based family law firm, Wallumatta Legal.
About Wallumatta Legal
Wallumatta Legal (WL) is a low fee, not-for-profit law firm that exclusively assists clients with family law issues. Founded in 2021 by DLA Piper, Macquarie University, and several partner organisations, Wallumatta Legal provides support to Australians, who can’t afford to access the legal assistance they require.
The WL team believes that every individual should have access to legal services, regardless of their financial standing. The aim of WL is to extend help to people, who don’t qualify for government funded legal services and can’t readily afford a private practice lawyer. Their fixed price model helps bridge the access to justice gap, so that people are better able to access the legal assistance they need.
To know more about Wallumatta Legal and who can access the service, visit https://www.wallumattalegal.org.au/.
Law Image is thrilled to be a part of Wallumatta Legal.
About Law Image
Law Image is a specialist legal document management company. Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Melbourne, we have offices in Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth. Law Image helps leading legal firms and government departments comply with their legal document management and data sovereignty requirements.
Our key business drivers are:
We operate in an agile manner, thus making it simple and easier for our clients to do business with us.
We leverage technology to drive innovation in order to provide continuous value for our clients.
We deliver custom solutions, thus helping our clients focus on their core case strategy and maintain their competitive advantage.
For any media queries, please contact:
Siddhi Chavan; Marketing & Communications Strategist